
Orthopedics is the branch of surgery that deals with conditions affecting the joints, rheumatic pain, and degenerative disease. Our surgeons treat orthopedic problems, sports injuries, injuries at work, and congenital disorders. Patient care is our top priority, and we meet your specific needs by applying integrated non-surgical, surgical, as well as Rehabilitation Treatment , which are a must for optimal recovery. Once a diagnosis is made, your surgeon will decide on the most effective treatment in consultation with you and the multi-disciplinary team. Non-surgical approaches include physiotherapy, injections (of cortisone or hyaluronic acid), and medication. Surgical interventions involve the very latest techniques, such as arthroscopy, and optimized pain management. Click below for more information on problems associated with the shoulder, wrist & hand, elbow, hip, knee, foot & ankle and treatment options.

The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint incorporating the upper arm bone, shoulder blade and collarbone
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The elbow is a complex joint incorporating the upper arm bone, the lower arm bone and the radial bone. Although not protected by muscle, the elbow is one of the most important
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The wrist is composed of the radius and ulna, as well as eight carpal bones. Our main aim at Amsterdam Clinics when dealing with wrist and hand
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The hip is a ball-and-socket joint which incorporates a ball at the top of the thigh bone that fits inside the pelvis. When the bone and/or cartilage of the hip become diseased
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Four bones meet at the knee, but only the thigh and shin bones form the knee joint. The head of the fibula provides some stability, and the kneecap helps with joint
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It’s very important that the joints and ligaments in the foot and ankle are coordinated for daily activities such as walking, climbing upstairs, running
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